Roots to Arrows

Know God's Big Story for Life

          Root & Release!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.   Proverbs 22:6

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Janet Johnson

"I feel so much stronger after taking Kim's class."

Aimee Right

"Kim's classes are so much fun, I can't wait for the next one!"

Jamie Sonet

"Kim's classes helped me build confidence."

Something for Everyone

Root your family in God's Word. Know Him.

Release your Arrows in the direction God intends. Follow Him.

Instagram Insight

Need quick encouragement to get through your day? Have time while you wait on kids or during a break? Instagram Insight can help you push through the next 15 minutes.

Our Mission

Blog Branch

Want to extend and reach out more as you consider God's word? Have a few more minutes to dig further? Our Blog Branch provides a way for you to delve deeper.

Our Seeds

Podcast Ponderings

Are you an audio learner? Have time to listen while you're in the car or doing laundry? Podcast Ponderings calls you to follow Christ and lead your brood at home. 

Our Reads

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Encouragement and support for leading your family every day! Get a reminder for when a new blog or podcast is ready.

Food for thought  

Browse our blogs and reviews. 

Browse the blogs

Inaugural Blog

Who are we? What's our focus? Get to know us at Roots to Arrows. Everything comes back to knowing God through knowing His Word. 

Our Mission

Weekly Blogs

Some weeks it will be for parents. Sometimes for grandparents. It will always be about leaving a Godly legacy for our families.

Our Seeds

Book Reviews

Want to read a good book on parenting and families? Grandparenting? Need a good read for your kiddos? Find our book reviews right here!

Our Reads

Root and Release! 

Root your seedlings in God's Word.

Release your arrows into the world.

Hi All!
It's Susie and like you, I wear many hats.  I am a wife, Mom, Nonna, daughter, sister, friend, former teacher, and slightly Christmas-obsessed.  No role is more important than passing along a Godly legacy to our kids and grandkids. 
We are here to partner with you in that great and messy venture.  Messy, but oh-so-worth-it.  Let's dig in together to see what we can produce!
How did Roots to Arrows begin?
It all started in my classroom. 
As a teacher, connecting with my students and families was paramount for me. In order for kids to be their best and learn, they must feel safe, seen, and known. Finding out who they were and their strengths was my priority at the beginning of each year. Letting them openly share who they were with everyone else began the process of feeling safe and learning.
However, in public education, I couldn't openly share who I was - a Bible-believing, Christ follower. How and why I taught came from that place, but I couldn't openly discuss it. Wanting to provide a basis from scripture with my students and families captivated my mind, but I had to put a generic spin to my teaching, advice, and answers.
Openly sharing from my Biblical worldview about raising kids and grandkids is the focus at Roots to Arrows! (And yes, this is an actual picture of my second grade classroom). :-)